Our Mission

Ophania is a different kind of company.

Yes, yes, we know. Every company says that. In this case, though, it’s actually true.

Every modern corporation, large or small, shares the same goals – to maximize profits and to grow as large as possible as quickly as possible.

Not us.

Our Philosophy

In the natural world, an organism that eats (profits) as much as it can, as quickly as it can, regardless of it’s actual needs will soon find itself out of food and starving to death. If the organism is big enough, the devastation such behaviour results in might leave the entire ecosystem in serious peril. Likewise, an organism that experiences unlimited, unchecked growth… well, that organism has cancer.

As a company, our goals are not to maximize profits or grow for the sake of growth.

Our goal is to maximize human potential.

Yes, we dream pretty big for such a small company. We know that, too. But by enabling as many people as possible to fulfill their potential, to achieve their dreams, and to raise themselves and those around them up – even if just a little bit – it is our belief that we all benefit.

That’s our goal, and that’s what makes us different.